Cardamom Chocolate Cream Pudding

according to my brother-in-law, I'm "right on trend" by putting cardamon in my desserts. So that's good.

according to my brother-in-law, I’m “right on trend” by putting cardamom in my desserts. So that’s good.

I’m not going to sugar coat it (which is ironic because I’m a food blogger and normally I’d love a bit of sugar coating), this pudding cannot be called diet friendly.

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Mixed Seafood Chowder

I love soup bowls that double as mugs. One of life's little pleasures

I love soup bowls that double as mugs. One of life’s little pleasures

There’s been a lot of debate lately about the safety of fish (I’ve even been guilty of a bit of fear-mongering myself) what with Fukushima still pumping radiation into the Pacific ocean at an alarming rate.

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