Mixed Seafood Chowder

I love soup bowls that double as mugs. One of life's little pleasures

I love soup bowls that double as mugs. One of life’s little pleasures

There’s been a lot of debate lately about the safety of fish (I’ve even been guilty of a bit of fear-mongering myself) what with Fukushima still pumping radiation into the Pacific ocean at an alarming rate.

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Salmon Tikka Kebabs

I served 'em with an avocado and lime dip - strange combo, but it worked

I served ’em with an avocado and lime dip – strange combo, but it worked

The summer solstice was last week. This annual astronomical event was regarded by ancient civilisations as a turning point for the year, a celebration of fertility and the sign that the short, dark days of winter are finally over.

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