Tasty Apple Tartlets (guest post)

these might be a good treat to leave out for Santa, I hear he's gone Paleo this year

these might be a good treat to leave out for Santa, I hear he’s gone Paleo this year

Today’s recipe is a guest post, courtesy of Louise from PaleoMagazine.com and taken from her recently released cookbook The Essential Paleo Cookbook, which features all manner of tasty things. I’ll be reviewing it at some point in the new year (and sharing more of their delicious recipes!) but in the meantime, here’s some Tasty Apple Tartlets to keep you going….

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Ricotta & Honey Muffins

don't worry, ricotta won't make them cheesy in the least. It actually makes them spongy, moist and delightful

don’t worry, ricotta won’t make them cheesy in the least. It actually makes them spongy, moist and delightful

Ricotta’s one of those things that I buy for lasagne and then it languishes in the fridge until growing fuzzy green bits.

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