GIVEAWAY: Win a bottle of antioxidant-rich Curcumin Advanced

feeling lucky?! enter to win this!

feeling lucky?! enter to win this!

The nice people over at contacted me recently to see if I wanted to run a giveaway for TMBL readers.

After checking out what was on offer (this blog will never peddle snake oil. That’s a TMBL guarantee), my reply was a resounding ‘yes, please!’ and I was also a teeny bit jealous. It’s a crying shame that we live in a world where bloggers can’t enter their own competitions.

The product

Curcumin Advanced is a high-quality, bioavailable form of curcumin – the antioxidant-laden spice that gives turmeric its bright yellow colour.

Among other things, curcumin has been found to:

my turmeric cauli-rice is all about the curcumin!

my turmeric cauli-rice is all about the curcumin

To find out more about curcumin’s amazing properties, and why this supplement in particular is a great way of getting a concentrated dose of the good stuff check out the Mercola product page here.

The rules

Running complicated competitions hurts my head so for all our sakes I’m keeping this simple. To enter to win, simply leave me a comment. It’s that easy. See below for the details:

  • This competition is open to residents of the US or Canada only. 
  • The prize is one bottle of Curcumin Advanced (which contains 30 capsules or a one month supply), worth $29.97
  • To enter simply leave a comment here telling me your favourite spicy dish.
  • I will choose a winner at midnight on Thursday September 4th and drop the lucky recipient an email to let them know.

Good luck!

20 thoughts on “GIVEAWAY: Win a bottle of antioxidant-rich Curcumin Advanced

  1. I love this spicy curry with chicken and peanut butter – which I switched to almond butter! Its so amazeballs! I need to get OVER this auto immune issue so I can eat tomatoes and spicy again!!

  2. My favorite spicy dish was a chicken caciotore that I call “Bleep that I Make Up.” I only had a small package of chicken breast strips and five hungry mouths to feed including mine. I had the basic understanding of chicken, peppers, onions, and tomato sauce. I took out all my veggies from my produce draw, chopped them up including three long banana peppers, carrots, red peppers, zucchini, onions and maybe more. I took a big can of organic diced tomatoes and simmered all the veggies till juicy. I dropped the chicken in, 10 minutes later we were in for a surprise. It was hot as heck! But my husband liked it enough (which is saying something!) That he asked me to make it again only not so hot. There are no mistakes just happy little accidents.

  3. i love spicey chinese or tai noodle dishes or even just some simple homemade chicken broth w/ a kick of cayenne pepper – SO soothing on a cold day or if i’ve got a sinusy thing trying to start.

  4. I would love to be picked to win. I am one of the care givers for my mother in law. She is in end stage renal failure and has been taking an antibiotic for the past 11 months. Tuesday she had cutting edge procedure called a fecal matter transplant. She finds it difficult to drink but eats well. I have working on incorporating juices into her diet and all home made meals. During the time of taking the antibiotics, she had been to the hospital 17 times for many different reasons, 1 being surgery to take out 10 inches of colon and bowel and intestine that had rotted away and gave her a fistula. Long story, I have been making a smoothie with almond milk, 1 tsp turmeric, 1 banana, 1/2 cup frozen mango and chia seeds. I would love to be able to give her something in a capsule form to be easier to consume for her. We are attempting to be healthier by eating better and making time however tired we feel at the end of the day.
    Thank you for considering!

  5. I like spicy crawfish and gumbo! Have you seen improvements with the use of this supplement? Thanks for posting! 🙂

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